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Old October 30th 03, 05:26 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
In a nutshell, I (and W9UCW, etc.) found that current diminishes accross the
coil. W8JI using Kirchoff and Ohm says it can't.

If you put a loading coil 1/3 of the way up on an end-fed 1/2WL
vertical, the net current will increase across the coil. The
net current can decrease, or increase, or be the same magnitude
for special cases. Think Ifwd+Iref with the coil causing major
phase shifts.

Open-ended antennas like dipoles are standing wave antennas. The
forward current is relatively constant through the coil and the
reflected current is relatively constant through the coil. But
the phasor sum of those two currents can vary wildly from end
to end in the coil because of phase shifts.
73, Cecil

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