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Old October 30th 03, 05:44 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
I post fact of life, Tom pompously chimes in that it can't be so with some
added ridicule, and I won't budge to a bully that is barking up the wrong tree.
This is about 5th time. Watch him to become expert in few moths "he said it all
along" :-) and will become a guru.

I don't understand what the fuss is all about. The forward current hits
the end of the dipole and is reflected. There are standing current waves
on a standing wave antenna. A loading coil shifts the phase between Ifwd
and Iref so anything is possible across a coil, increasing currents,
decreasing currents, or equal magnitudes of currents. It all depends on
the phases involved. For dipoles shorter than 1/2WL, the current decreases
across the loading coils. For a 1WL dipole with the loading coils located
1/3 of the way from the feedpoint, the net current through the coils will
actually increase.
73, Cecil

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