Decent desktop model . . . . .
On Apr 6, 11:57 pm, "Oz" wrote:
New to the newsgroup.
Just wondering . . . . What would be considered a decent desktop model for
a shortwave receiver? I am looking for something under $300 that I can
place on the desketop, to plug headphones into, that will be a decent
starting unit. Any suggestions?
A decent (actually very good quality) tabletop shortwave receiver for
around $300 can easily be found in the used market. Just look for a
unit in good condition from Kenwood, Yaesu or Icom. There are few new
consumer grade tabletops available and none priced under $300 that I'm
aware of. You could of course set a portable radio on a table plug it
into mains power and it would work very much like a desktop radio,
although it might not handle large antennas very well.