Any Mexican Is Smarter & Better Than Any Racist Rightard AmeriKKKunt Asshole
Möbius Pretzel wrote:
Mexicans contribute to America in a positve way
because they appreciate where they are;
whereas dumb****, racist AmeriKKKunt, trailer-trask rightards detract
from AmeriKKKa with their ignorance & racism.
Mexicans are more patriotic than any alcoholic rightarded, trailer-
NASCAR/WWE loving piece of AmeriKKKunt **** could ever be...
God Bless Mexico!
**** You Trailer Trash, Bush Loving AmeriKKKa!
I've worked around Mexicans for much of my career, and because I work
for Univision Radio I've had to pretend to be Hispanic in order to
advance in my career. If you think Mexicans make a positive
contribution to this country, you're crazy. They certainly strain our
medical system and social services. They don't pay much back in taxes,
and they sure as hell don't contribute ANYTHING to the cultural or
intellectual life of this country. I don't mind having a few of them
around to broil hamburgers and such, but that's about as far as it