simple(?) question...
"laura halliday" wrote in message
On Apr 7, 7:57 pm, "Uncle Peter" wrote:
"Dave" wrote in message
What do you do for resistors if you can't get carbon composition in the
ratings you need? I built a MFJ-1020A out of surplus and scrap before
I can't imagine that the resistors have enough inductance to
make any difference at HF. Plus, the reactive component
is in series with the resistance, which would increase the
impedance of the resistance slightly--in most cases that
would be more of a benefit than a hinderance; since I'd
bet most of the resistors are being used for biasing active
components, or to provide signal isolation..
Does anyone have any evidence that it makes a hill of
beans difference at HF?
Lots of stuff that works should be ample evidence.
There are some numbers in Experimental Methods for
RF Design that suggest such resisters are fine to low UHF.
It's really a non-issue.
Laura Halliday VE7LDH "Que les nuages soient notre
Grid: CN89lg pied a terre..."
ICBM: 49 16.57 N 123 0.24 W - Hospital/Shafte
Hmmm. Okay, well, could the problem be the monolithic ceramic caps I used?
Something is creating a boatload of harmonics, and that's the only other
component besides the transistors themselves.
Thanks much for the input...