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Old April 11th 07, 04:29 AM posted to
Dloyd Lavies[_2_] Dloyd Lavies[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 203
Default Dloyd lies some more

On Apr 10, 9:58�pm, wrote:
Don't lie again Markie,

You lie all the time, especally to yourself.

*not going to lie even once

First you admit that you lie then you say you don't, your so confused
you don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground.

I still don't know what the hell your were trying to say in the first
place, so who cares.

well then you admit to doing what you admit to harrassing Lloyd davies
for years, what you object when I do it

Once again you read something into nothing. I did not admit to
anything. What I find strange is you defend LLoyd Davies like he is
your friend, when he has directly attacked your sexuality, your
religion, and you in his posts, and would spit on you if he found you
helpless on a roadside. I said I could not clearly define what you
were saying in one little sentence, but you take that and extrapolate
it into the whole issue. You truly are stupid.

you went off withhout knowing what you were talking abaout

I know exactly what you are all about and so does everyone else on

and then like Robeson you blame everone else for YOUR mistakes

I don't blame anybody for anything. I haven't made any mistakes. But
on the other hand, you have made many. You just haven't figuered out
how badly yet.

BTW you obviously care

At this point you are starting to bore me. At first you seemed like
an acceptable advisary, but in reality, your redundancy is just plain

you are also lying now as you claimed you were done with this thread

try telling the truth or minding your own affairs

I don't have to do anything. Just like you I can do anything I want. I
have the right to post anything I want without one iota of proof, just
like you.

You need to be arrested for assulting the
English language.

no a crime Dloyd even if I am guilty of it

No if about it, you assult the English language everytime you post.

but "assaulting" the English does not give you leave to steal cerdit
cards telephone numbers amake harrassing calls and stalk real

Prove that I did any of those things. You have no proof, LE confirmed
that you have only made an accusations but no proof has been
established. Even Amazon has no record of any breach of their security
concerning your account. You just love to lie, but you end up looking
like a fool.
stealing a date from my wife even though you are a real man is unaccaptable

demdning I do what you conceed I can not or cock-a-doddle do like a chicken or suffer*further attack of a spicey corn chip is unacepteable
Dloyd Lavies I love you.

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