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Old April 11th 07, 06:40 AM posted to
Dloyd Lavies[_2_] Dloyd Lavies[_2_] is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Mar 2007
Posts: 203
Default DloydCliam Perfection in everything

On Apr 10, 11:49�pm, wrote:
On 10 Apr 2007 20:28:15 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies"

On Apr 10, 10:43?pm, wrote:
On 10 Apr 2007 19:29:08 -0700, "Dloyd Lavies"

On Apr 10, 9:58?pm, wrote:
Don't lie again Markie,

You lie all the time, especally to yourself.

.ot going to lie even once

First you admit that you lie then you say you don't, your so confused
you don't even know your ass from a hole in the ground.

I still don't know what the hell your were trying to say in the first
place, so who cares.

well then you admit to doing what you admit to harrassing Lloyd davies
for years, what you object when I do it

Once again you read something into nothing.

*just read what you put on your won blog

* *did not admit to
anything. *hat I find strange is you defend LLoyd Davies like he is
your friend,........

I simply point out the facts about him

....... 7hen he has directly attacked your sexuality, your
religion, and you in his posts, and would spit on you if he found you
helpless on a roadside.

nope he has done no such thing

I am not going back into the archives to pull Lloyds post where he
called you a "faggot Jew"

good since it doesnot exist but again I support the right of People to
dislike me because I am bi

we have cominacted directly from time to time

Then you are stupid.

well it does of course hamper your effort to use the man you hide

that hardly seems stupid to me

Whatever, it does not matter.

I said I could not clearly define what you
were saying in one little sentence,.........

and yet you have presumed to start another of your Jihad's based on
your uinabilty to understand anything I write

Oh I understand plenty, just the one sentence, was difficult since you
really butchered that one.

well you seem to understand very little of what I write since you make
LOTS of mistakes

You better look at your own posts before you critique someone else.

.......... but you take that and extrapolate
it into the whole issue.

becuase it is the whole issue

No it not,

yes it is

Apparently, only in you mind.

the issue started out that I asked you not to post to my

no you invited to post

then you decided to attack my wife

I never attacked anyone, I just mentioned a book title that was on her
PUBLIC profile. If it was a big secret she should have protected that

Nevertheless, I did so only after I repeatedly asked you not to post
to my blog. I asked you not to post several times and you came back
with your **** You attitude. I apparently I was not getting your
attention by being polite, but I got your attention fast after you
made me resort to something I normally would not do.

But you kept on, I pushed back,

you comited a series of crimes fortunately for you they are crimes
that tend to neglected since they are enforce and not taken seriously

No crime has been commited, you sound like a broken record without any

the issue your obessive interest in my personal life and my wifes and
my family

I have no knowledge of your so called family.

which does not seem to prevent from lying about them freely

What lies have I told??

OTOH you have claimed my wife is Cow (which would knowledge if it were

Where did I say that your wife is a cow?? I said that you and your cow
were too ugly for me. I read somewhere where you have a cow, some
goats, dogs, cats, and I think a chicken or two. But the intent was
that your were ugly and so are your animals. Just went over your

You truly are stupid.

for what? daring to defend my life

For being idiotic.

how so?

*Dee said it best. It must truly be hell to be a
the mercy of everyone one the planet.

the remark was meaningless since I am at your mercy (thank goodness
since you seem to totaly lack such a virtue along with any other
virtue I can detect)

It was very meaningful and it shows everytime you answer each and
every post, no matter how off topic.

you went off withhout knowing what you were talking abaout

I know exactly what you are all about and so does everyone else on

you know very little about me

I know enough.

you know nothing you have admited to that in this very post Dloyd

Your ten year posting behavior and on going tirade speaks for itself.

and then like Robeson you blame everone else for YOUR mistakes

I don't blame anybody for anything.

you blame me for daring to post

you blame me for not staying deep enough in the closet to suit you

I've never denied your right to post.

lying again Dloyd

I only requested that you stop
hijacking and crapping on my threads and posting to my blog.

you demended I refrain from particpating in the NG

Where did I say that??? I will repeat once again that I asked you not
to post on my threads, unless you can keep from hijacking them. but
as you admit below you cannot post without crapping.

you invited to post on your blog

misconstrued that request as someone telling you to stop posting
period because you are unable to post without crapping or hijacking.

well since you call comenting on anything crapping no I can't do that
and still post

You can shout to the world at the top of your lungs that you are gay.

I could do so but I would be lying

Just becuase I helped you advertise the same thing you have on your
blog which you linked to the group you got offended.

where do I state I am gay on my blog?

Doesn't your blog say Bi-Sexual ham? Which means you participate in
Gay Sex, thus GAY.

why do you lie

now you lie about blaming me

I haven't made any mistakes.

of course you have made mistakes Dloyd that is a funny one

No, I have made no mistakes.

of course you have made mistakes

you are a stupid and arogant SoB that you repaet that asinie staement
proves it

No, haven't made any mistakes in this situation. Mistakes are things
that you do by error or accident and regret. I have no regrets.

*You think I have because you believe
that I have commited some sort of crime.

no I don't think you have made mistakes becuase I think you have
comited a crime

i think you have made mistakes becuase nobody is perfect

Perfection has nothing to do with this situation, which is subjective.
We are in a disagreement, that is all.

But you are the only one.

no Dloyd that statement is also in error

Obviously, no one in authority concurs.

how do you figure?

No action.

on the other hand, you have made many.

sure I have made mistakes

You just haven't figuered out
how badly yet.

back your lies

No. very real.

no Dloyd only in your dreams have I done anything you realy act on

I have no malice towards you, I may dislike you, but the whole issue
has been that you went out of your way to have an arguement with me.
I asked you to stay off of my blog, but no you wanted to push the

how is that Lawsuit going Dloyd?

Going just fine, thanks for asking, but as I said before you are not a
party to any possible action.

well Dloyd if I am not a party your lawsuit you are obviously not
going to do anything that will harm me in the slightest

I don't wish you any harm, never have. I asked you repeatedly if you
want to disengage, but you want to continue this useless arguement.
It passes the time so I indulge you.

BTW you obviously care

At this point you are starting to bore me.

then feel to end your harasing gay bashing Jihad

t first you seemed like

an acceptable advisary,.....

meaning you violate AUP at some point by intetionaly seeking out a
fight on USENET then you bitch when you get what you wanted

That was after you crapped on all of my posts,....

once you post em I can coment or crap on them if you like that turn of

...... you violate the AUP

and you libel me again you have yet to show anything that sugests I
may not rcoment on your USENET posts just because you don't like what
I have to say

The posts was not the main issue. It was my blog, that is not public
property, that belonged to me, I asked you to respect my request, and
you basically told me to **** off.

how is your effort going with Hughesnet normaly when someone complains
I at least hear something about ti

I haven't called hughesnet. I've told you once already that I don't
take it off of the net. I have no knowledge of any credit cards or
any other BS your claim. The only thing I have done is to repostt your
wedding registry from google cache that you had on a public web page,
and the title of a book on your wife's wish list off of her public
profile from google cache. Nothing more, nothing less.

...... so its a push.

........ but in reality, your redundancy is just plain


it is suposed to be just that

Glad you admit your redundancy,.......

where have I ever deined it?

....... it shows you simplistic thought

no Dloyd it shows I can use tactics of my own choosing

Some tactic, whoopie.

you are also lying now as you claimed you were done with this thread

I was done with that thread, this is a thread that I started. I
haven't posted to the other thread, and never will, it is dead.

try telling the truth or minding your own affairs

I don't have to do anything.

never said otherwise

Just like you I can do anything I want.

funny it took my pushing back at you to get to conceed that point

have the right to post anything I want without one iota of proof, just
like you.

OTOH I have proof you don't

You have no proof of anything except your bickering.

keep teling yourself that Dloyd I suspect it will make you feel better

Keep telling yourself that you have proof, if it makes you feel

You need to be arrested for assulting the
English language.

no a crime Dloyd even if I am guilty of it

No if about it, you assult the English language everytime you post.

still no crime but you advocate confiing me for it

I never said confinment, just an arrest

arrest is confinement Dloyd at least till i make bail

Weird state.

but "assaulting" the English does not give you leave to steal cerdit
cards telephone numbers amake harrassing calls and stalk real

Prove that I did any of those things.

working on it with YOUr help

Let me know when you get some proof, I am still waiting.

already done that

I here so

you what "here"?

much about your proof of this and proof of that, but have yet to see
anything that resembles actual proof, just your talk.

what you think I show you my hand Dloyd

Your hand is apparently empty. Because to have proof that I hacked
into you or yours account you would have to already know who I am,
which you don't. So how can you have proof of something I supposedly
did if you don't know my identity. You may have proof that someone did
something, but no proof that I did anything. Hard to keep your
illusion of proof alive with the identity issue.

you are truely stupid

you are start to make Woger look cleever

You've made Woger look clever for years

You have no proof, LE confirmed
that you have only made an accusations but no proof has been

9ou ****ed up again Dloyd LE would never confirm something like that
or anything else about a case

They would to an attorney

There is no pending case.

sure there is

telling obvious lies

Even Amazon has no record of any breach of their security
concerning your account.

and amazon sharing with YOU info about secutiry breaches

Not with me Markie, with LE.

still lieing Dloyd

LE would never be told *about a breach unless there was a pending case

LE would not discuss a case with you

besides you forgot I don't have an Amazon account

But Gav does, the account that YOU claimed was breached.

yes she does and indeed it was

but you were I was talking about a breach in my account in your sloppy

Try rephrasing in English.