On Apr 12, 1:40 pm, Roy Lewallen wrote:
Thanks for the suggestions, but I see I need to be more specific about
what I need.
I'm looking for a Windows-based program that runs on a local machine
rather than remotely as at a web site. The objective is to find a
program for EZNEC to write input files for, so that its frequency sweep
impedance data can be easily and directly imported into the Smith chart
program for visual analysis and to aid in designing narrow and broadband
matching networks for antennas. EZNEC originally did this for
MicroSmith, then WinSMITH input file writing was added when MicroSmith
became unavailable. Now WinSMITH is also unavailable, so I'm looking for
another one which I can adapt EZNEC to.
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
OK, I gotta quit looking at Smith chart stuff...
Are you sure WinSMITH is no longer available? See
Looks pretty current to me. My 2.0 version was provided on floppy,
and I see they've gotten into the 21st century and have it on CD-ROM.