Posting on Usenet is....
A couple of weeks ago when one of WebTV servers kicked the bucket,no
WebTV users (including yours truly) could access the WebTV firewalled
news groups,I started scratchin me arse and I got to thinking.(I do my
best thinking like that) I went to a search engine and I typed,
That way, I could read what non WebTV users were saying in there.And
many other (I landed on the SPRACI website) news groups too.One of those
websites said there is no such thing as news groups,they are bullitens.
So,I did another search in that search engine for, SPRACI
I saw more radio related bullitens (news groups) listed at SPRACI than
you can shake a stick at.And then I typed Ireland at SPRACI and I found
me two galfriends in Ireland.(Thank you SPRACI)
Yep,metinks I like that there SPRACI website.