"Keyclowz gettin' whacked! LOL!!" wrote in
message ups.com...
On Apr 6, 9:42 pm, Steveo wrote:
N8WWM DOUG ADAIR posting as --"Keyclowz gettin' whacked!
On Apr 3, 5:32 pm, Steveo wrote:
C'mon you cowardly sissy, man up for once in your pathetic life!
LOL! We have told you a thouseand times, AKC'ers are heterosexual.
You always bring up homo stuff and talk about yourself in the third
dogie. I feel sorry for you and your children. (i hear Kathy left you)
AHAHAHAH...You know nothing, do not ever aspire to know anything. You
are just a truckstop toilet inhabiting freek who is cuckolded by an
american bulldog. LOL!
You are nothing...just a no-code tech that can't support his children or
ex-wife, can't keep a job, and has not satisfied the court ordered shrink
that you are fit to exist in society. Go **** yourself with a Petro obtained
dildo, Douglass.