Many years ago I worked in a Motorola service shop. One
day a gentleman came in with a Heath CB kit he had built
and wanted to know if we could fix it for him. I explained
our minimum charge and hourly rate and he agreed to an
hours work to see if we could get it running. Several days
later we had a lull in the important work so I pulled the
CB off the shelf and opened it up. I was astonished! All
component leads were full length! He hadn't trimmed a one!
It must have taken him hours of carefully bending leads so
he could get it into the case without shorting anything.
Needless to say, virtually every stage in the RX was
oscillating. I did a bunch of cutting and resoldering and
finally got it working. I wish I had a picture of my face
when I pulled it out of the case!
73, Roger
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Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)