On Apr 20, 2:40 pm, "Mr.Iboc" .... wrote:
90% of all radio listening will be digital by 2017http://www.radiotoday.co.uk/news.php?extend.1869
Analog radio stations could be facing extinctionhttp://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/entertainment/6564983.stm
This is only because, the UK has threatened to turn off analog and has
made the move to digital by UK broadcasters profitable. Still, only a
few million digital receivers have sold, and DAB has failed in Canada,
due to lack of consumer interest:
"Digital radio in Canada"
"The Commission is very concerned about the stalled DRB transition.
Roughly 15 of the 76 authorized stations (including the digital-only
operation in Toronto) are not on the air. Some stations that once
operated have since ceased operations. Few recievers have been sold,
and there is no interest in expanding DRB service beyond the six
cities where it exists."
As for HD/IBOC in the US:
"Sirius, XM, and HD: Consumer interest reality check"
"While interest in satellite radio is diminishing, interest in HD
shows no signs of a pulse."
"Is Pay-for-Play HD Content on Horizon?"
"HD Radio Effort Undermined by Weak Tuners in Expensive Radios"
"HD Radio on the Offense"
"But after an investigation of HD Radio units, the stations playing
HD, and the company that owns the technology; and some interviews with
the wonks in DC, it looks like HD Radio is a high-level corporate
scam, a huge carny shill."
"The FCC Tunes Into HD Radio--And May Turn Off Distant AM"
"RW Opinion: Rethinking AM's future"
"Making AM-HD work well as a long-term investment is seen as an
expensive and risky challenge for most stations and their owners.
There is the significant downside of potential new interference to
some of their own AM analog listeners as well as listeners of adjacent-
channel stations."
The FCC has just given away our free airwaves to a few corporate
thugs, including iBiquity Digital Corporation. This whole setup is
just to the advantage of the HD Radio Alliance, as they own most of
the 1,200 stations broadcasting in HD - the small mom-and-pop stations
have lost coverage and will probably disappear. This FCC sole-source,
non-competitive contract award to iBiquity is totally outrageous. The
FCC has left it up to the marketplace, to determine the fate of HD
Radio. HD Radio/IBOC is a farce !