Lens' observations ...
AF6AY ) writes:
Interesting that Miccolis keeps up his little game of adding
question marks to quotes of my postings.
No, someone is using an odd character set, or maybe an odd character
to show quoting, and it's getting garbled as it gets passed on.
I just checked, and I think there are three different different
things being displayed. In your message, it came as " =A0 " but
at least one other had more than just question marks representing
I don't know what caused it, or who is the originating point, but
someone's using an odd or proprietary character set. It looks
fine to them, but others not using the same software (or at
the least have things set for the same character set) can only
display the character(s) as they interpret it. ANd different
newsreaders will interpret differently. Hence two or three
Michael VE2BVW