Global Warming? So What? Remember the Ice Age Scare of the '70's
In article .com,
Cato wrote:
barnega wrote:
Journalists make a living by getting their work published..
they entertain that's their job. As they say; No one ever gets a
story published by saying " nothings going to happen"
Cato replys: And just where were these journalists getting their
info from? Are you saying that Science Digest, Science Magazine, The
Christian Science Monitor, Newsweek, The New York Times, The
Washington Post, Science News, etc. etc. including, yes, teachers in
the schools, were all pulling a "fast one" on everybody back then?
It was all lies? A conspiracy put together by those publications? Are
these publications no better then the Weekly World News rag??
If they were all proved to be liars, then they would have been
raked over the coals, their reputations destroyed, and relegated to
the level of cheap supermarket tabloids.
Never happened.
Do you realize they were getting there info from.. wait for it...
Do you remember this?..... Fortune magazine actually won a
"Science Writing Award" from the
American Institute of Physics for its own analysis of the danger.
"As for the present cooling trend a number of leading climatologists
have concluded that it is very bad news indeed,".... Fortune
Magazine, February, 1974.
That's right..... The American Institute of Physics,
(Scientists), awarded Fortune magazine for what?? Telling us all a
lie?? As if they were not better then the Weekly World News rag???
Global warming proponents are accepting a good financial
income from the global warming scare and have become global warming
propagandists to promote their interests. These include some
researchers who obtain research grants and some environmental
organisations who need donations. They are making a living by
promoting fear of man-made global warming. They have a vested
interest in pulling this scam. And not just because of the money
involved, but also because many of them have political goals that
depend on the Man- Made Global Warming Scare.
Vaclav Klaus, president of the Czech Republic, said in written
testimony that global warming has turned into a religion that has
replaced the ideology of communism and threatens basic freedoms. Mr.
Klaus said the push to curb greenhouse gases would hurt poorer
nations that can't afford modern technology. He compares radical
environmentalists to Marxists, and says initiatives such as the Kyoto
Protocol require enormous costs without any realistic prospect for
Global warming is just a fad. Wait a few years and we will be back to
global cooling because man cut back on CO2 to much.
Ventura, California