Gonset Comunications Monitor RCVR & Miller Coils
The Gonset aircraft monitor is not rare. However, there is little demand
among collectors for it. For monitoring aircraft frequencies, modern
digital circuitry is much better. You can set the frequency instead of
tuning and drift is a thing of the past. So, as a user, it is pretty
The only value is to sit upon a shelf in a collection of Gonset radios.
Good luck. There are probably 5 collectors in the world and all 5 already
have one.
Gonset made a lot of equipment for the commercial market. Years ago, Fair
Radio was selling a Communicator for the aviation band. They were no longer
type accepted and had the same receiver your unit had.
I would expect to see them at a swap meet for about $15. But, I would pass
it up.
I do have a couple of Gonset Communicators I do need to restore one of these
Colin K7FM