"Uncle Peter" wrote in message
"John Doe" wrote in message
Quite A number of (Years or Moons ago) depending on how you keep track
time, someone came to one of the hamfests in Gaithersburg, Maryland, in
large box
type of truck, and mounted on top of the truck was a CAPACITOR CANNON of
I think that I need to clarify a bit - apparently the capacitors did not
really explode, but SNAPPED IN DISCHARGE STATE causing a louder than
noise, and could be recharged to do it continuously.
Alas, doing so today would get one arrested as a terrorist,
or for making improvised explosive devices. They went
after kids around here for filling old soda bottles with water
and dry ice so they'd pop and explode.
A bit in the same direction; the Crofty bomb. A bottle with a solution of
caustic soda and aluminium foil. (Crofty is a local brand of toilet cleaner,
consisting of mostly caustic soda pellets) Easier to obtain than dry ice ;-)