On Apr 23, 6:09 am, David wrote:
On 22 Apr 2007 19:41:47 -0700, Cato wrote:
Al Gore...... quite an interesting guy! Made an interesting
little socialist propoganda film called "An Inconvenient Truth" as
most of us know.
He's been up here in Toronto, Canada a few times giving talks
to the "True Believers" of this new Global Warming, Climate Change,
"It's All Our Fault" religion. Signed a lot of autographs for left
wing Canadians that admire him. I guess he is one of the High Priests,
just like that Dr. David Suzuki guy. He is a real Prophet of Doom in
this new faith too. The web site URL's above show Lies & Distortions
in his film. Quite interesting.
http://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Iain_Murray- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
DaviD - So your 'authoritative source is the
Source Watch =
A Front for the Center for Media and Democracy Orgs
Supported by the Tides Foundation; a Front for the
Heinz Endowments, headed by Teresa Heinz Kerry
Tides Foundation and the Tides Center, creating a new model
for Liberal {Left Wing} Grant-Making - one that Strains the
Legal Boundaries of U.S. Tax Law {Tax Evasion ?} in the
pursuit of Liberal {Leftist} Socialist Activist Goals.
keep pushing the liberal 'bs' up the hill ~ RHF