Lies and Distortion in Al Gore's Inconvenient Truth
On Apr 24, 6:05 am, David wrote:
On 23 Apr 2007 10:53:35 -0700, Cato wrote:
SOURCEWATCH -- a Left - Socialist Organization that attacks
Conservatism and Libertarianism. They tend to strongly support Left-
Liberal-Socialist values.
So, sure, Ya, like I'm going to listen to them. Right.
Why not? I listen to your CEI and AEI people. You must listen to all
sides of an argument then use your truth decoder ring.
David - Good here is the 'other' side of the Facts
{No Al Gore Hype Exaggeration of the Facts to
Create Fear and Hysteria Required} - Just a realistic
'alternative view' of the known Scientific Evidence to
Consider by Those would Think-for-Themselves. ~ RHF