"Telstar Electronics" wrote in message
On Apr 26, 10:51 am, james wrote:
Considering his retail outlet, Ebay, has blocked every attempt to sell
the product, His sales has probably been rather low. Thus not
profitable. Also the fact that the amp is rather low powered for most
"competition" CBers and with the plethera of older 100+ plus ham rigs
out on the market, there is not a large market for his amp. Who needs
an five watt radio, and a 100 watt amp to drive a big competion amp
when you can get a Kenwood TS440 or similar and use it.
Always good to hear from James the student...
He's been attending college going on 17 years now.
Maybe some day he'll get his bachelors degree.
Your mom should kick you out of her basement now that another of your get
rich quick scams has failed Brian.
Skywave CB amplifier released October 2006
Skywave CB amplifier discontinued April 2007