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Old April 28th 07, 12:54 AM posted to
Dee Flint Dee Flint is offline
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First recorded activity by RadioBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 618
Default Question on Callsign after FCC license upgrade (USA)

"Craig" wrote in message
Hi folks,

I'm optimistic that someone here is a VE, a recent license upgradee, or
otherwise knowledgeable person who can solve a couple issues for me.
Fingers crossed--here goes:

Yesterday's FCC report shows the approval of my FCC amateur radio license
upgrade from General to Extra. Whew, I'm there. But when I took and passed
my Extra exam a couple weeks ago, I checked and initialed the box on the
application stating that I wanted to "Request to change a station call
sign systematically" yet my FCC file shows that I chose NOT to make that
request. Consequently, I remain with my over ten year old Callsign from
Region 8 while I now reside in Region 7. Was this an oversight on the part
of the FCC or are they ignoring requests made when passing an exam for a
license upgrade (through the ARRL VEC if that matters) for a systematic
Callsign change?

I know that I can go onto the FCC's ULS, log on, and request a systematic
change to my Callsign, but another issue needs clarification before I do
that. Now that I'm an Amateur Extra, I expect to be in Group A for
systematic sequential Callsign assignment

but from my FCC file, I see that I'm still listed in Group D. My fear is
that if I now make a request for a systematic callsign change online, even
as an Extra, that I'll be given a KE7xxx Callsign since I'm in Group D
yet, according to the FCC. Shouldn't my Group have been changed to "A"
when I became an Extra so that a request for a systematic Callsign change
would make me a AD7xx (rather than the KE7xxx that I fear)?

Here's hoping someone can and will offer assistance. Thanks in advance.

The group code listed is that of your current call sign and is not the group
eligibility code. So applying for a new systematic call should not be a

As far as checking the new call sign box on your upgrade form, you should
have got a new call then with your upgrade. It is quite common to get a new
call simultaneously with the upgrade. It was simply human error. They have
been swamped with upgrade applications so I'm not surprised if they make a
mistake now and then.

Dee, N8UZE