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Old June 3rd 04, 08:07 AM
John Bartley I solved my XP problems w/ Service P
Posts: n/a

artie wrote in message

Check out the manufacturer's websites, such as -- go
to the professional pages for the data sheets, such as this one:

That shows an alkaline D cell under a 750mA load lasting almost 12
hours, with a terminal voltage of just under 1 volt.

You have to do a LOT of talking at high power to use up that kind of

I have a 6-D cell pack I (can) use, but most of the time I stick with
the AA pack for the radio. In a pinch, I keep a set of AA Lithium
cells around -- much longer shelf life, and longer life under high

Spend some time perusing the data sheets; you'll learn a lot.


Good advice - except I didn't have access to anything which could
download and read a PDF, as I only has my Palm Tungsten W with me to
search, read and post.

I found it interesting that with loads somewhat similar to what I
expect for Field Day, the e2 Titanium batteries had about 20% longer
run tinmes, all other things being equal.