Not eating myself to death,
Weather dudes and dudettes on local tv news said we might get some rain
today/tonight.I hope so,we need rain.Send us some rain.Yesterday
evening,one of those divorced wimmins next door was painting some
kitchen cabinet doors in the back yard over there.She said she is going
to bring me a plate of food that she is cooking up.A couple of weeks ago
she brought me plate of food,steak and butter beans with a chunk of
french bread.If she doesn't bring me a plate of food this evening,I
reckon I will have to open up some canned grub I have here and chunk it
in the oven and heat it up for supper.I ought to learn how to cook.I
haven't been to the food store in two weeks and three days,I reckon
tomorrow afternoon,I will go to the Goodwill store on my way to the Wal
Mart food store.Ace Eli and Roger of the Skies flick is on Radio tb on
the FMC channel.