TheNet & APRS
Joseph Fenn wrote:
Here in the Hawaiian Islands we have a statewide packet net, but the
software used "TheNet & APRS" dont seem to use standard world wide
type cmds. The Nodes have rptrs on tops of Mt Haleakala on MAUI
and MT Maunaloa on the big island of Hawaii. It seems to use a set
of Alias's for the different nodes. In other words if I connect
to the alias "maui" it instantly connects and offers a "talk"
cmd and if someone in Maui also connects at the same time as I, then
they can invoke the TALK cmd and actually communicate with each other.
The big problem is that with their software, there seems to be no way
to Digipeat between two rptrs. I/E :c mloa via maui. Their software
does'nt seem to support this hip hopping between 2 diferent rptrs.
Anybody have any ideas on where I might search out TheNet and/or
APRS software cmds and what capabilities they offer.
Joe KH6JF (long time user of packet with MARS).
If you connect to MAUI first, issue the command "c mloa" and it will
make a level 3 connection to the MLOA node. TheNet commands are nearly
identical to those of the old NetRom nodes. You can find more info at
There is a user guide in the TheNet X1J archive
There are many versions of APRS software and each probably has it's own
peculiarities. If you are running a version of APRS software, it should
come with some applicable information (it's not a command-line mode).
Bob N7XY