(OT) : More Anti-American Gloom-and-Doom from Tommy Tootles
On May 3, 6:32 pm, Tommy Tootles wrote:
RHF wrote:
On May 3, 11:47 am, Tommy Tootles wrote:
The BBC (left wing?) quoted an article in the Wall Street Journal (right
wing?) that said the following:
"As U.S. troops have -surged- into Baghdad in a quest to bring stability
there, enemy fighters have moved into the surrounding towns". (Well,
Duh! What a big surprise!)
"[...keeping them off-balance] is the best they can hope for under the
new 'surge strategy', which some U.S. officers in Iraq say does little
more than chase insurgents from one part of the country to another".
So, if you are one of the naive that thinks the surge will work (or if
your name is "W"), maybe you should take a word of advice from the
military officers actually there on the ground.
Tommy Tootles,
So you are the new Liberal Voice-of-Gloom-and-Doom
pronoucing everything that is wrong, Wrong. WRONG !
with American and Americans.
Well, hold on there just a minute, Mr. RHF...maybe you -have-
Gone-Around-The-Bend [!]
I am DIRECTLY quoting American Generals, on the ground, in Iraq, as they
were quoted in the right-wing, Republican, Conservative Wall Street
Journal (as reported on the short wave radio).
I respectfully beg to differ with you that -I- am "the voice of doom and
gloom". That's an interesting charge against someone just quoting
American military Officers. As -they- were the original source, I guess
that means that you think the American military officers are the voice
of doom and gloom. It seems you have made the classic, simpleton and
age-old mistake of "blaming the messenger". I truly expected more of you
than that. :-(
Preaching All That Is Bad About The-Evil-BUSH -aka- "W" !
Please note that I was
just carrying the message that the 'surge', as pointed out by our
military officers, is just another fraud perpetrated on
- the gullible and long-suffering American public.
TT - You evidently have a High Opinion of Yourself
and a very low opinion of your fellow citizens.
TT - Typical Elitist Attitude of a Card Carrying Member
of the Democrat Party of the USA.
TT - Clearly 'you' are a Card Carrying Member of the
Democrat Party of the USA;
"Clearly"? For doing nothing more than quoting American officers quoted
in a Republican, Conservative newspaper? Sounds like a real stretch to
me, especially as I'm not a card carrying member of any party, but hey,
if it's "clear" to you...
Finally, pull your head out of the sand. I don't make the news, Bush
does. I just quote it. If you feel the facts as reported in the WSJ/BBC
were wrong, please offer evidence to disprove it, rather than flinging
baseless accusations at the messenger.
Thank you and Have-A-Nice-Day [.]- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
TT - Just goes to show you that
you can not trust the WSJ. ~ RHF