Commercial outlets like Digi-Key, Mouser, Newark-Inone,
and Allied Electronics carry a wide array of aluminum
and steel enclosures. They're not cheap these days, but
if you need one, you need one. Also keep an eye on eBay
for chassis and enclosures. I've snagged some good ones
there at very reasonable prices. And, of course, visit
every local hamfest and SK estate sale. There are still
bargains to be had that way. I picked up a nice cabinet
at an estate sale just the other day which I intend to
build a power supply in. It is about 6" tall, 8" deep,
and 12" wide, and it's new in the original box. The was
only $6.00! I buy cabinets and chassis whenever and
wherever I find them, and then worry about what I can
use them for.
The projects you're contemplating sound like something
I'd build! (see my web site, )
73 and good luck!
Dean K5DH
In article .com,
I would like to build some tube transmitters and am curious where
other people get their chassis? Article 1 (The Novice Special, from
the arrl website) calls for LMB SQ-1 cabinet (8.5 x 4.5 x 4.5 in)
which "comes complete with chassis and front panel".
Article 2 (A Three-Band One-Tube Novice Transmitter, from Dec '57 QST)
calls for a 2 x 7 x 13 in aluminum chassis enclosed in a 7 x 9 x 15 in
aluminum box.
Any suggestions?
Thanks and 73,
Ross, NS7F