On May 12, 6:53 pm, Byung Myung Sying wrote:
Whatever one thinks of DRM (and it does cause adjacent channel
interference of up to 10 kHz on either side of the DRM broadcast
channel), it does deliver high fidelity shortwave broadcast
capability. The best use of it has been on low power regional
shortwave broadcasts in the 26 MHz band (used in Europe), where it
doesn't interfere with other services.
It might be interesting to lay aside a broadcast band especially for a
DRM (8 MHz maybe or 10 MHz???) where they would jam DRM shortwave
broadcasts every 8 kHz or so (since the DRM codec decoders can
differentiate between adjacent DRM broadcasts -- even if they're
overlapping). That would get the obnoxious DRM interference away from
other analogue broadcasters.
When I started this thread, I was pretty excited because HCJB, absent
from the English language shortwave broadcasting world, was enticed
back onto shortwave because of the superb sound quality of DRM. With
only 4 kW, they are reliably broadcasting throughout eastern and
midwestern North America in stereo on shortwave with music and
informational programming with fidelity that is worth listening to for
an entire evening of worthwhile entertainment.
This evening's program (0100 UTC on 9815) began with a program of
Ecuadorian music that was terrific. The announcer even used HCJB's
old moniker "The Voice of the Andes", something I thought that I'd
never hear again.
Welcome back HCJB! Don't let it be an "experiment", come back onto
shortwave permanently with or without DRM!
Fred E.
N8UC -- Oak Park, MI
Fred [N8UC] - Why isn't Technology Grand !

) ~ RHF
Some day you can say : Why Son I was There
at the Dawn of the Digital Shortwave Radio Age !
Time-will-Tell - In 3-8 Years we will know -if- DRM will be
the resurrection or the death of International Shortwave
Radio Broadcasting - May We All Live To See It !