Originally Posted by robert casey
Many years ago my father (now a silent key) built a crystal tester that
pretty much worked with any crystal you stuck into it. Low frequency,
high frequency, name it. It also had a meter that indicated "crystal
activity" and also had an adjustment (think it was a pot) for IIRC
"bias". Also an output jack to feed say a frequency counter.
I imagine that he got the circuit from either an issue of QST or the
handbook. Searched the web, though I found many circuits, none looked
like this one. Anyone recognize from my sketchy description the circuit
my father used, and any links to where I can get a schematic so I can
build my own? TIA
73s Bob
Bob, try searching for this item, you may locate one on an auction site.
SECO Transistorized TWO WAY RADIO TEST SET CRYSTalignMETER MODEL 500. It tests all crystals, various sockets, fundalmental, 3rd overtone,
has R.F. Indicator Activity Meter, Signal Generator function with Modulated & Unmodulated RF, Jacks for Freq Counter connection. Operates on 2-C cells.
I've been using one the workbench since the the 1960's.
73, Don