Triplett Corporation info
Chuck Harris wrote:
Uncle Peter wrote:
Good God. Another American company gone Pacific Rim.
Not to worry Peter, they are all going as we slide our
way into third worldness.
And all so we can get xyz for a few bucks less at Wally World.
The part that annoys me to no end is when the USA made product
becomes made in China, the price to the consumer stays the
same. The profit soars, but the price doesn't change, or
goes up.
The profit SOARS. That's a shame because it means your retirement account SOARS,
your IRA SOARS, your 401k SOARS, etc. We really have to watch that profit
stuff, it's too good for us.
Corporations are groups of people, my IRA, my 401k, my retirement plan, who
invest our money in corporations in the expectation that they will make profits.
Profits increase the value of equity [stock shares] and the amount of money you
can draw on when you retire. If profits are not made then your IRA, 401K, etc go
bankrupt and you will never retire.
Be careful of that profit stuff. It may be too good for you!
/s/ DD, retired and loves watching my equity increase.