BC-453 H.V.
terryS ) writes:
On May 12, 7:56 pm, "Antonio Vernucci" wrote:
Thanks for answers
Tony I0JX
But I've also read that the variuos 'command' receivers (BC453, 454
etc,) will work well with much lower B+ voltages.
Which are much kinder on the 60 year old decoupling capacitors etc.
can't remember the value but could it have been as low as 120 volts
I can't say that I've seen that applied to Command sets specifically,
but it's not an unknown concept.
IN 1970, there was a two-part article by Fred Brown about updating an
HRO receiver. He replaced the full size tubes with more modern
equivalents, did some other changes, and ran it at a lower voltage than
originally. He gave all kinds of reasons for the lower plate voltage,
and mentioned that the Collins S-line receiver used lower plate voltage.
I think it was that article where he said the only disadvantage was lower
audio output.
Michael VE2BVW
Cos it occurs to me that one could use a 150 volt gas regulator tube
(OD3?) on the output of a power supply to achieve that?