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Old October 31st 03, 06:14 AM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
What I was looking for is to see 1. if anyone else MEASURED the current in
loading coils, and what results they arrived at (and if we are wrong, then
where did we go wrong). 2. If this is right than to have modeling software
implement it with least error. I would like to use that for optimizing, say,
loaded elements for receiving arrays on low bands, optimizing mobile antennas,
loaded multielement beams, etc.

Hi Yuri, try this out for your argument in the other group. Using EZNEC:

Example 1: 102' CF dipole with loading coils in the center of each arm
to cause the antenna to resonate on 3.76 MHz. I get XL=j335 ohms.

Example 2: Replace the above loading coils with series inductive stubs
hanging down. Ten foot stubs with six inch spacing between the wires is
what I used. What happens to the current across that six inch gap is obvious
from the current plot using EZNEC. Hint: There is a step function across
that six inch gap just as there will be with a six inch coil.

Then ask: Why doesn't EZNEC treat these two cases the same way?
73, Cecil

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