Jobs and retirement: was: Triplett Corporation info
Uncle Peter wrote:
Some skill. New England Tractor Trailer pumps out drivers by the gross.
Very few earn anywhere's near 1800+ a week.
All of your senators have vested retirements (18,000 a month) after serving
one term.
They have vested health care, and most had inherited wealth to begin with.
Do you wonder why they are in the market (they can afford to be, you're
paying the tab) and the rich always get richer at the expense of a
lessening middle class...
You've been listening to Limbaugh for too many years. Most kids starting out
can barely afford to pay their bills, let alone invest money in a 401K or
Most folks don't have 30 years in front of them. Baby boomers never had
401Ks or IRAs when they started off.
I opened this with the following: "Your retirement planning is YOUR
RESPONSIBILITY! It is NOT the responsibility of government. It is NOT the
responsibility of your employer. It is NOT the responsibility of your
union. The responsibility is Yours alone!" It is true!
If the jobs continual to be outsourced, and if the trade deficit continues,
and if
foreign scab labor is allowed to bid against union scale you're going to
your savings will have very little buying power when the worth of the dollar
crashes on the world market. Government is the one who is giving away and
borrowing from social security and allowing the raping of this country.
Pete k1zjh
/s/ DD, W1MCE
Well Uncle Peter, we both know that it is impossible to live on Social
[in]Security. That's a given.
Since you are responsible for your retirement, not government nor business, what
do you propose?
The world economy envisioned by Adam Smith and Thomas Paine in the late 1700s is
now here. Business will do whatever is necessary to survive and be profitable in
a very competitive world wide economy. Businesses will succeed and fail.
Government can't stop it! Again I ask, "What do you propose?"
My proposal is to do whatever is necessary to start building personal equity. In
other words, "Get on the equity train before it is out of sight!" You may ride
in the caboose as opposed to the dining car, but, you're not left in the station.