Jobs and retirement: was: Triplett Corporation info
"Dave" wrote in message
. ..
Uncle Peter wrote:
I propose America better wake up before it is too late.
You have added another variable into the discussion by opening the
issue. Where does the money come from? Don't give the old canard of 'tax
the rich'. According to Hillary any family earning more than $30,000 has
to be defined as rich to support her health care proposals [healthcare in
the USA costs about 10,000 per family per year. According to the USA
Census Bureau we have 300,000,+ people at 4.3 people per family or
approximately 70,000,000 families. Do the math! [$700 Billion per year!]
[note for the non USA reader: $30,000 USD is top of the poor class or
bottom of the middle class by contemporary definitions]
Again: Where do you propose the money comes from?
Gee Dave, did you ever think that if we had DECENT paying jobs in this
country that folks could actually afford health insurance; or companies
could continue to afford offering good health plans? I'll state it again.
Keep American dollars in the US; and do so by balancing the trade
deficit for starters.
Instead of allowing high paying jobs to bleed off to third world countries
(with scant child labor protection laws or environmental laws on the books)
maybe we need some stronger trade protection in place to protect
average Americans' interests instead of corporate greed. Don't you find a
disconcerting that we have gone from being the bread basket of the world
to importing contaminated goods from China? What do you think your
retirement is going to be worth in ten years if the current trade deficit
What do you propose to do about health care? Taxation obviously isn't the
answer to any problem. I say the answer is keeping jobs in America and
paying a decent wage for American workers will in turn make group health
care affordable. My healthcare is almost 100% covered, my penion is
Federally managed, and my company is earning record products and our
stock price is going through the ceiling. We're also a 100% American
Stating a problem without proposing several possible credible solutions is
unacceptable to everyone. Why? We cannot continue to discuss or debate the
pros and cons of nothing!
Apparently you have issues with the Equity solution. Fine! I have a
problem with NO proposed solution.
Finally, like you, my retirement is also secure, an insured fully funded