WTB T1 IF Transformer for a Hammarlund HQ170
If any of the cans you have have a combined 455 KHz and 3035 KHz plus
a link coupling
coil in one unit it may work for me. I beleive the 'M' in the part
number means the transformer
has mutually linked coupling to another similer type of transformer.
Unfortunately, I don't
have the downloaded manuals on the HQ-100 or HQ-110 receivers and
can't verify if
they have what I'm looking for. IF transformer T1 was a part in the
HQ-170 that was
subject to a high failure rate. I'm attempting to find out if there
were any factory service
bulletins issued that addressed the failure problem. Thanks for your
help and the
previous poster on the HQ-145 info.
Mark W8FSA
On May 16, 5:02 am, K3HVG wrote:
Mark, I have a goodly number of Hammarlund transformers from HQ-170's,
HQ-100, and HQ-110 receivers. I do not, however, have the particular
number can p/n you have. The book calls for the number you mention, of
course. Are there any other numbers on the can? I have a number of
6-terminal cans with a different Hammarlund series of numbers on them.
One of them may be what you're looking for.