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Old October 31st 03, 01:59 PM
Cecil Moore
Posts: n/a

Yuri Blanarovich wrote:
There is too much reliance now going on modeling program results, ignoring some

Yuri, here is a modeling result that you might like. :-) I took a 102' dipole
and loaded it in the center of each leg with an inductive stub that made the
dipole resonant on 3.76 MHz. I added a one ohm series 'load' to each side of
the stub. Drawing one leg of the dipole, it looks like this:

----------R2-+ +-R1----------FP--- ... other half
| |
| | inductive
| | stub

EZNEC reports 0.85 amps through R1 and 0.57 amps through R2, a difference
of 33%. If one could model the inductive loading reactance as an actual
physical coil instead of a lumped single point impedance, results would
be similar to the above.

Now here is something that might blow some minds. The inductive stub
above is ten feet long. That's about 1/8WL on 20m. A 1/8WL shorted stub
equals +jZ0. The results of running the above antenna on 20m is that the
current through R1 is 185 degrees out of phase with the current through R2.
At the time when the current through R2 is flowing toward the end of the
antenna, the current through R1 is flowing toward the feedpoint. Wonder
what Kirchhoff would say about that. If you replace the stub with a coil
of the same reactance, not much changes.

Tell W8JI to stop using lumped circuit analysis when he should be using
distributed circuit analysis. :-)
73, Cecil

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