Landshark wrote:
"jim" wrote in message
Telstar Electronics wrote:
On May 19, 11:57 am, jim wrote:
Yes, it is quite entertaining some times to listen to how feeble minds
express themselves... lol
Couldn't have said it better
No... I think it's more than that. He visits here because he thinks
he's superior to cbers. I wish that were true.
Cut and paste what you will Brian but you have on many occasions belittled
CB operators and then try and sell your kit here. Are you really that
dense to see the irony?
LOL!!! How you doing Jim?? Things going well around the homestead? I'm
kicking back on the deck, mid 80's, drinking fosters, slow cooking Turkey
wings & thighs.
Cheers Sharkie. The piping plovers are on the beach so no 4 wheeling
until they leave. Great year for flounder, fluke, blues and weakfish so
far for the boaters. Being a surfcaster its been a little sparse but its
better than being at work flying a desk. 73, Jim