On May 21, 2:31 pm, wrote:
That SOB!!! g.w.bush Really Is The WORST!!! His dad is George
H.Scherff,a NAZI!!! from NAZI Germany.g.w.bush is a NAZI too.All of them
bushies are NAZIS!
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """
Drudge Report has moved on and I couldn't find the reference to
G.Bush, but I do recall that his father or grandfather was jailed for
helping finance the Nazis in 1940 (?)
However, I did come across an interesting reference to his
relations with European royalty. This article claims that the
Republics of Europe ( France, Germany, Russia) are against the
invasion of Iran, wile the countries headed by Royalty (Britain,
Holland, Spain,Bulgaria) want an invasion of Iran because the Royal
familes own a big portion of the oil business and they want the oil.
I remember years ago when I was working on a subcontract for Shell,
a problem came up with a British supplier who decided to renage on his
contract after we had finished the design. "What do we do now?", I
asked the boss. He replied , "Don't worry, we'll have it straightened
out in a week"
Sure enough, in a few days, a quite elegant phd from The Hague (the
site of government and Royal Dutch Shell in holland) arrived by air,
looked over our designs was happy, and flew back to the Hague.
"What happens now?" I asked. He replied, " He will go back and tell
the directors of the company that if they don't fulfill their contract
he will destroy the company, their personal assets, their wives and
family, and the ass that is ouside their gate"
"Holly Mackerel," I said, "Who are these people?"
" Don't you know?" he said. "He's dealing with the Rothschilds."
" Well I'll be....," I said.
" Oh yes," he said, "All the big banks are hooked up with the oil
companies. Shell with Rothschild, Esso with Rockefeller....."
He mentioned a few others but that was 30 years ago and I don't
recall them all.
But I digress. The link is: