On May 24, 9:05 am, "ve3..." wrote:
On May 22, 7:00 pm, wrote:
www.devilfinder.com George H. Scherff
"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """"""""""
I have received a complaint from one Michael Black , a self-appointed
policeman of the net, stating that I was bad to reply to your off-
topic post about Bush.
I have reviewed Black's web activities and he is a prolific poster,
averaging about 30 a day on a variety of websites. He has recently got
his jollies from telling people bon various sites to either post on
topic or go away.
Before I compose a reply, I would like to find out if his post is
going to make you change your posting practices in any way and if you
have any thoughts on the matter.
VE3 - Why "Michael Black" (MB) Is SOoooo Gooda !
We @ "Rec.Radio.Shortwave" Don't Deserve Him.

It is a Religious Experience to see someone like "MB"
Who is so Devoted to the Cause of "Off-Topic" (OT) Posts
and so quick to Remind-Us-All of the 'Thou-Shall-Nots' of
"Off-Topic" (OT) Postings and Replies.
we are truly blessed ~ RHF