Child Porn is STILL Child Porn, Cartoons or Not
Toddie. Morally speaking, there are many of us who feel that your sick
cartoons of naked children are still just that. Child porn.
Cartoons or not, legal or not, Child Porn in any form is considered to be
the effort of a sick mind for some sort of sick sexual gratification. There
certainly is no "art" involved.
Depictions of grown men invading the vagina of a small, female child are
sick, sick, sick, though such depictions obviously turn you on.
Obviously you are sick, sick, sick, too.
Do you look at these cartoons and wish you were there, Todd? Since you
obviously cannot attract an adult female, do you wish you could violate a
child? Do you stare at these things while "thumping" yourself beneath your
Daddy's desk?
You are what? In your early thirties and still living at home? Under your
Daddy's roof?
You ain't "all there" in the head, Toad.