BBCWS Africa freqs?
American Insurgent wrote:
I'm just getting back into news hunting on shortwave after a couple
years away. For a while after the Beeb canned their Americas services
I was using the Africa streams. Now that I'm back, I'd like to pick up
The World Today, which I understand is on at 0300 and 0500 UTC in
Africa. I went to the BBCWS website but their frequency guide is very
difficult to use, you have to enter a specific city and then you get a
program guide with programming listed by local time, then the freqs
after the pgm descriptions. I entered the first city in West Africa
that came to mind, namely Lagos, Nigeria, and got freqs of 6005 and
7160. 6005 is heavily dominated by Cuba on 6000 here in California,
and 7160 is in the middle of the infamous 41m band-the one that is
hams in North America but international broadcast everywhere else. On
May 28 (May 29 in the target area) 7160 was dogged by local hams, and
when it wasn't the BBC was weak at best. Anybody have freqs for any
other African streams, such as Central? I can't use Asian streams
since they're dominated by daylight in the local evenings.
I hear the East Asia service very well on 9740KHZ at night as well as
6195 KHZ in the morning hours. Occasionally they carry the World today
on those frequencies.
QTH Tucson, AZ