Simple inline RFI fitler
On May 25, 7:12 am, wrote:
A friend dropped some items by yesterday afternoon. He is an
electrician who is retiring and will be moving
south this fall to to avoid the snow. Among the stuff was a box of 12
TDK ANF-106U RFI filters.
TDK makes a RFI filter that plugs into a standard USA duplex power
outlet and has single AC recepticle
for the device to be fitlered. The unit is rated at 6A and it has a
built in breaker.
I did a quick net search and found them at several surplus sources,
A quick test shows them to be pretty effective.
Not as good as the 2 stage Curtis filters I have mentioned, but the
ease of use makes them attractive.
These fitlers can be stacked. That is one plugged into to another for
twice the RFI supression.
Thanks for the tip. I'll all for anything that helps eliminate RFI.