On May 30, 8:13 pm, Steve wrote:
On May 29, 5:34 pm, wrote:
The likes of Bro. Stair will certainly want DRM.
DRM is something that happened about ten minutes ago.
IMHO - When Sony-Sangean-Tecsun-Degen-Redsun
come out with a stand-a-lone DRM Shortwave Radio
as good as the :
Sony ICF-SW7600GR
Sangean ATS-909
Tecsun/Grundig/Eton E1 or Satellit 800
Degen DE1121
Redsun RP2100
All Priced under $200 : Then DRM Shortwave Radio
will be available {affordable = priced right} to the
average everyday Shortwave Radio Broadcast
Listener (SWL) ~ RHF
A DRM Radio/Receiver that also requires a Computer
to be able to simply listen a DRM Shortwave Radio
Broadcast is a "Non-Starter" for the average everyday
Shortwave Radio Broadcast Listener (SWL) - Who
simply wants to Turn-On-the-Radio-and-Listen*
* Relax and Enjoy Listening to the Radio Broadcast.
and that is the way i see the drm of it ~ RHF