G'day RHF,
Whoops sorry RHF, I meant to put the time in, I was monitoring the
station from 2300 UTC then signed off at 2400/0000 hence my confusion as
none of the sources had a spanish station airing at that time ?
Anymore thoughts ?
RHF wrote:
On Jun 1, 4:16 pm, AussieDrifter wrote:
Morning All,
I've checked PASSPORT and HFRADIO.org and done a quick google with no
joy to id this station. Can anyone shed light on it. Trying to get
Station ID on the bottom of the hour fingers crossed 
Location: Canberra Australia
Radio: Icom R75 with DSP options
Antenna: Cliff Dweller 2
AD {Ayúdeme Jesús}
EWTN Global Catholic Radio Broadcast Frequency Guide
for Shortwave Radio Listener's (SWL)
EWTN = http://www.ewtn.org/radio/freq.htm
Effective : March 25 2007 - October 28, 2007
EWTN Broadcasts in Spanish to Latin America
on 9885 kHz from 1100 UTC to 2100 UTC Daily
Also HF Radio .Org shows 9885 kHz at 1100-2200 UTC
SW-HF-LOOK-UP = http://hfradio.org/swbc/
Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. (EWTN)
From : United States
Days : 1234567 {Daily}
Language : Unknown
Power 500 KW
Location : Vandiver, Alabama, USA
hope this helps - iane ~ RHF {pomkia}
Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antennas Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
GoTo = http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Shortwave-SWL-Antenna/
The SWL Antenna Discussion Group = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna HELP = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna NEWS = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
Shortwave Listener (SWL) Antenna INFO = http://tinyurl.com/ogvcf
* * * All Are Welcome : Including ELMERS and 'Want-to-be-Elmers'
plus plain old "Mister-Know-It-Alls"; and even those Newbees with
"I Know This Is A Really Dumb Question - But _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "
The Shortwave Listener's Blessing :
SWL BLESSING = http://tinyurl.com/s2bjm
May You Never Tire of Listening to the Radio and Always
have Strong Signals and Noise Free Reception ~ RHF {ibid}
/ \
Location: Canberra Australia
Radio: Icom R75 with DSP options
Antenna: Cliff Dweller 2