American Insurgent wrote at 02.06.07 about " BBCWS Africa freqs?"
on my answer:
On 6190 kHz is 24 hours the german "Deutschlandfunk" It is a
domestic program with more information than music,
Oh. It's so strong here in the Western US that I thought for a second
it was Deutsche Welle's pointless 24hr all German service to North
America, back from the dead. Then I thought it was the BBC, since
they're on then, but apparently these Germans are wiping out
everything on that freq. I would guess that "Deutschlandfunk" would
be a private station not connected to DW or the German government?
I dont know, what you hear on 6190 kHz.
Anyway, "Deutschlandfunk" is on program of the public broadcaster
According to
6190 kHz is at present used with 17 kW
You can compare the signal with the Livestreaming
There is an english Wikipedia articel:
With greetings from Germany