Newsgroup education
"Roy Lewallen" wrote in message
This newsgroup is truly educational. Just in the past few days, I've
learned that:
"The law of conservation of energy is just another law awaiting to be
"broken", i.e. a new "law" found which acts to the contrary ..."
-- "John Smith"
". . .gravity is a theory. . ."
-- "Jimmie D"
These, of course, are just the jewels among the semi-precious stones of
Gaussian antennas and bouncing waves of average power.
Thanks, folks. A little more time on this newsgroup and I'll be ready to
step out into the world of the 13th century!
Roy Lewallen, W7EL
In 1978 while attending the University of Miami is was considered a theory,
if it has changed since then I am sorry for not keeping abreast.
I will make sure I put "Review Newton's Theory of Gravity" in my to do list.