Nick wrote:
I am experimenting with some aerial designs and wondered if anyone
had used / knows whether
hot melt glue is good to seal and waterproof connections and its
electrical characteristics ?
Ordinary semi-translucent HMG is excellent for electrical sealing, both
indoors and outdoors, and has very good insulating and RF properties.
(I will just go and stick some in the microwave with a glass of
water and see if it melts ! )
HMG is chemically very similar to polyethylene, so it has very low
losses at 2.45GHz and all lower frequencies. That means you can use it
in almost any RF application where moulded polyethylene would be OK.
The only significant differences are mechanical. HMG is softer and more
flexible, and has a lower softening temperature, but those properties
also make it a better adhesive and sealant.
73 from Ian GM3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)