On Jun 13, 1:42 pm, "SWLO-2010" wrote:
I think it came with the Tecsun R9700DX, but I cant remember for sure.
It's a 30' wire black insulated wire with a plastic alligator clip on one
I've never used it much.
One evening recently, I decided to open the window, and drop the wire out of
of the small space between the screen and the window frame. I clipped the
end to a variety of portable receivers.
RS DX-398
RS DX-202
Kaito KA-1103
Kaito KA-1107
Tecsun R-9700DX
The results were impressive. It gave the portables stronger receive, better
clarity, and improved sensitivity.
The 1107 strugged with selectivity, but the rest performed well.
I have used that a few more times, when the weather is cool enough to open
the window, and turn off the A/C.
I'm anxious to use it this fall.
SWLO-2010 - What 'works' . . . WORKS ! ~ RHF
-IF- you have two Windows try running/routing
the Wire across/between the two Windows
so the the Wire Antenna Element is Horizontal
vice Vertical - Sometimes this will help to
reduce the local Noise pick-up of the Antenna.
Here are a few 'other' simple Wire Antenna Ideas to use
with 'portable' AM/FM Shortwave Radios in an Apartment :
* Using an External LongWire {Random Wire} Antenna
with the Sony ICF-SW7600GR AM/FM Shortwave Radio