On 15 Jun, 09:16, John Smith I wrote:
art wrote:
A Japanese admiral once said that they had awakened a sleeping giant,
so what does
it take to awaken a Nation from a coma?
I see America quite differently ...
There is a major problem of minorities with special-self-serving
interests getting into positions of influence/power. A prime example is
gays in politics and the negative effects this is having on home,
family, quality of living, American values, etc.
In amateur radio you see the arrl and the effects it has had on the
hobby. They are a business/"political entity" in a field which would be
better served as amateurs-helping-amateurs. You still see the real
importance of amateur radio in open minded individuals still willing to
look for new things. And, again, you see it with little individual
amateurs with web pages providing information sharing with all other
The problem is that the most visible influences are based in
tradition/"religion"/profit and a myriad of other self serving motivations.
You see it right here in the news groups, fractions break off and form
little klicks and work to sabotage threads which they view as contrary
to their purposes. Instead of denying conspiracies, I have began to
wonder what people cannot design a conspiracy around!
Hey, in a free country, those are dangers you must learn to live with
and survive within ... the only danger is if you comply and are
assimilated (think borg here.)
Well all of us have different views but the common bond is the
that something is wrong. I have only lived in America for nearly fifty
and I always thought the strength of America was Capitalism where the
market decides. I never thought that a system that was working would
stoop to
altering the market for short term profits. General Electric one of
the oldest
members of the stock market decided some twenty years ago to get out
the manufacturing market and go after the paper money. They did quite
with that change with the only downsides being a Rust Belt and a turn
from the average American employee. In Bloomington IL we have STATE
Country Companies and two Universities There is an Indian employment
to meet the needs of technical workers for the Insurance industry.
What do we tell the American to study to justify a life bearing money
when the technical jobs go to foreigners and the lesser education jobs
go to
near by border residents? In the name of diversity we changed from
traditional scources for immigration and became a Country that was
open to all.
Did we lose by doing this? What did we gain, a future multi lingual
where individual states succeed from the Union in order to stem the