FS: RCA RC-26 1968 Edition Receiving Tube Manual
On Jun 8, 2:58 pm, Michael Crestohl wrote:
Hi Gang:
This is a nice very clean original RCA RC-26 Receiving Tube manual
from 1968. There is no writing inside and there are no missing pages.
I believe this is the version that has been heavily reproduced.
I'd like to get $18.00 for it plus postage. Any takers?
If interested please reply by e-mail.
These manuals are usually $5 on down at hamfests.
Unless you can find someone who collects these books-and maybe
someone ought to, but as far as I know no one does-there is no market
for them as a collectible.
You can freely download the RC manuals up until 1962 or thereabouts
from various sites and there is no difference in later ones except for
a few series string oddball TV tubes. The theory is repeated verbatim.
Later ones have a few different sample circuits, mostly tube TV
sections and CB transceivers.