micropower cheap LNA
Hi Mark
What is your DC power budget, signal gain, NF etc ?
- Volts, DC
- Current, DC
as low as possible, battery 300mAh should work minimum 1 year. Maximum
average current should be less 30uA. I wonder if this is feasible at
- Gain, dB
2-3dB quite enough. My receiver is superregenerrative device and it's
sensivity is good but I have to add buffer to fulfill European RTTE
- Noise Figure, dB
This is a short range communication max 100m, transmitter has about
1mW power so the NF is less important than current consumption.
Might it be acceptable to switch on the LNA occasionally, but have it
sleep for 90% of the time ?
I thought about that. I have found such a project on EDN site. The
current consuption of the whole receiver is about 200uA but it is
still to much.