On Fri, 22 Jun 2007 16:17:45 GMT, Dave Heil
The demented Roger Wiseman AB8MQ, posing as "Davey Vile K8MN SUX" wrote:
On Jun 22, 1:01 am, "Mork" gayMark@chassell wrote:
Roger should lies and unsubstantiated bull****
All others lie, in Rogie World, whereas he is a veritable beacon of truth.
Marqueer should really make up better lies. Oh, and Ramon is
Marqueer's spic lover from the Greenlight.
You're a sociopath, Rog, and you need mental health professionals.
dave been thinking would you split his cab fare with me if he would
just go?
Dave K8MN
"one useless man is disgrace 2 become a law firm 3 or more become a congress"
woger you are a Congress all in your own head
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